
 The overdue library books have been on the back seat of my car for almost a week.  

Next to the bag of Goodwill donations that has been there slightly longer.  And now that we only have one child at home I don't even have to move that bag back out when people need transported.  It can truly stay indefinitely.  

It was a bit foolish leaving them there and having the fines slowly accrue- and if I'm being totally honest they were overdue for weeks before sitting at home.  

But after I picked up Ella today, I saw them there and this time the image actually completed my mental circuit and I drove the extra two blocks to the library.  

My teenager promptly announced she was good on books and staying in the car and I went inside and dropped them into the slot.  I started to leave, but it's the library and we go there to get books even if we don't have time to read them.  How else will I build up next month's charges? 

So I headed over to peruse the new fiction shelf and encountered a mom and five young children who I recognized from a walk on the nature trail earlier this week.  It turns out she recognized me too. 

We chatted for a few minutes and after she shared a bit about her family's choices, I simply encouraged her by saying "Some of those choices will mean more macaroni and cheese and less steak, but I've never regretted that for a minute."  

She teared up a bit and said, "This morning I told God that I just needed to hear a bit of encouragement.  And He sent you."  

I smiled and said it sure was good that He lets us encourage one another.  

In D&C 111:1 we read the Lord's response to a foolish journey (not sin- but human foolishness) that Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery had made.  

"I, the Lord your God, am not displeased with your coming this journey, notwithstanding your follies."

And the Lord helped allow good things to happen even then.

This is a very reassuring scripture, because I am extremely adept at follies! 

I don't for a moment think that the Lord approves of my procrastination and foolish overdue books (minor as that may be).  I do with full conviction believe that He will allow us to do good and serve others in less than perfect circumstances.  

It is hugely comforting to know that even when I tend to muck things up a bit, He is waiting to help make beautiful moments and find the treasure in my imperfection. 

And don't worry- my new library books are still in the car, ready to be returned in November!


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