I Choose You


I had the opportunity to drive my new elderly friend Sheila to meet up with her son.  She's had a fascinating life. I believe that can be said of most people by the time they are 80!

She told of her immigration to America and her work as a food prepper in a variety of restaurants over the years.  When they got tired of eating Chinese food, she moved on and worked at a Mexican one, and so on.  She loves trying new things and learning from the people around her.  She talked about the sacrifices made so her children could go to school and have increased opportunities.  She also said none of that mattered if your kids didn't know deep down that they were loved by their parents and God.  

She talked about appreciating the little things.  She can't have a glass with ice in it without being grateful for ice- it was something non-existent on the island where she grew up.  

She said so much more. In her loneliness she was literally exploding at the opportunity to have a listening ear.

But one thing she mentioned took up center stage on my mind and hasn't left.

This woman who was raised Hindu but felt that there had to be more than praying to idols, converted to Christianity years ago. It meant giving up much of her heritage and family traditions and beliefs.  

These were her specific words.  The ones I keep replaying.  "God created me!  He chose me!  So don't you think He likes us to say the words and tell Him we choose Him too?  That's what I say when I pray.  I say 'Lord, I choose you'.  And then I show Him by how I live."

What a simple but profound prayer.  What power in saying those words out loud.  

"Lord, I choose you."


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