

One of my coworkers unexpectedly lost her husband last year.  He had a catastrophic stroke at an age much too young (when is a stroke not too young?) leaving not only his wife but three young  adult children.

I was talking to her today and asking her how she was doing.  I always leave conversations with her feeling uplifted.

Today she talked about how she has spent some time in recent years buying and selling jewelry and gem stones.  She has a particular affinity for those that are the most smooth and unique in their formation but commented on how it is the pressure during their formation and how they respond that gives them their identity and allure and value.

She said that she's never been one to shy away from adversity and discomfort because it allows her to become more than she could have without it.  Obviously she wouldn't have chosen to lose her beloved spouse, but since she did she will use the opportunity to learn and grow and bless others.

I explained that we studied about a similar idea in my Seminary class this morning.  

When Joseph Smith was held in Liberty Jail ,  his pleas to the Father begged for understanding, relief, retribution and even an acknowledgement that God was  aware of his intense suffering right then and there.  He then received one of my favorite revelations.

In D&C  121:7-9 he receives this divine answer:

"My son, ​​​peace​ be unto thy soul; thine ​​​adversity​ and thine afflictions shall be but a ​​​small​ moment;

​​​And then, if thou ​​​endure​ it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy ​​​foes​.

​​​Thy ​​​friends​ do stand by thee, and they shall hail thee again with warm hearts and friendly hands."

God knows him and loves him.  As he knows and loves us.  

We can have peace even in spite of our suffering.

As big and all encompassing and excruciating as the difficulty and pain may seem now, time and perspective will show that it was small compared to the rest.  Relief will come.  Eventually. 

God is on our side and we will one day win.  All will be made right if we keep doing the best we can and follow Him.

We aren't as alone as we sometimes  feel.  He will help us see the friends we do have who are praying for us, helping us and cheering for us, even if we've lost sight for now.  Someday we will be in a place whether physically or emotionally that we can greet them with warmth again.  

All of these blessings will come not at the END of the suffering but also THROUGH and BECAUSE of it.

As Elder Jeffrey R Holland so richly testified, "You can have a sacred, revelatory, profoundly instructive experience with the Lord in the most miserable experiences of your life — in the worst settings, while enduring the most painful injustices, when facing the most insurmountable odds and opposition you have ever faced."

The polishing can be excruciating but the shine becomes eternal. 


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