Rainy Days

 It's been raining all day.  And while I am a sunshine and blue sky kind of person, I've learned to be grateful for the rain. 

The steady drizzle turns us homeward.  It keeps us inside, facing one another, spending time together.

I am more likely to curl up and read a book.  Or bake or work on some home projects.  

I am more likely to feel and be present in my home.

Today it meant enjoying Stake Conference together, touching base with my adult kids and thinking through my upcoming week.

It gave me some time to reflect on goals, study the scriptures and take a hot bath.  

Psalm 147:7-8

"Sing unto the LORD with thanksgiving; sing praise upon the harp unto our God:

Who covereth the heaven with clouds, who prepareth rain for the earth, who maketh grass to grow upon the mountains."

Sometimes my songs of Thanksgiving look a little more like hot dinner rolls as my family gathers together around the table, a message of gratitude sent to a friend, or a prayerful look at the upcoming week seeking His guidance.  What are some other ways you show your Thanksgiving? 

I am grateful for the rain!


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