The Best In Us


Many years back George and I were headed to St Louis where he had a conference to attend and I was joining him for a get away.  As we were driving, we encountered a traffic jam in an unexpected place along the interstate.  

This is what I recorded in my journal:

"Human nature is an amazing thing. We have been stopped in traffic - stand still traffic- for more than an hour. 

People were getting cranky. Horns were starting to beep. Some tried to creep up the shoulder to get some sort of advantage. Lots of impatience was showing, including by my dear husband. 

Finally I decided something must be up. An Internet search on my iPhone quickly turned up the cause. 

A cement truck has flipped onto another vehicle. 

Crews are desperately working to lift the truck and get to those inside clinging to hope. Lifeflight waits in our lane ever hopeful. The interstate will be shut down for at least two hours. 

We told the lady next to us who was pacing irritably. Her response was to bow her head and then go hug her son.

Word spreads quickly and soon a family of six on vacation, a businessman headed to Dallas, a lady who had just 9 hours left on her long journey home, and scads of America's truck drivers are striking up conversations, sharing cold drinks, and continually looking westward and then shaking their heads sadly at the fate of our unknown road companions. 

Suddenly no one is in a hurry, what good would it do? And besides, everyone is grateful for their own safety. 

We have been reminded that life is fragile. That those passengers flying by us in the cars we pass are real people just like us who all have stories to share. 

The life flight helicopter just raced overhead. We send our prayers their way. 

It reminds me how good people are. That they care. 

News continues to seep out. At least one passenger is dead. The driver of the cement truck hit a hole and flipped onto the SUV. 

We never know what life changes await us. The cement driver and another SUV passenger are injured. Possible survivors bring some hope from the tragedy. 

Soon enough traffic will be moving and we will be leaving this little brief stop but it has made an impression on me. Humanity still has all it needs. We just need little reminders."

As happened on this day, sometimes we just need a broader view.  

Marvin J Ashton said it this way, "Sometimes in life when we are committed to and are following proper patterns, we experience heavy bumps and anxious hours. Many times true winners in life are those who have been hurt and disappointed but have risen above these challenges. Very often in life, God gives us difficulties to bring out the best in us. It is true, life does not determine winners. Winners determine life."


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