The ride!


One of the most anticipated days each year at our children's experience at Emerson Elementary was the Emerson 500.  

Located just 68 miles south of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, each May parents and families gathered to watch the kindergarten and first grade students race peddle carts around the course constructed on the playground.  

Fifth graders were the ones to push start the kids, while others cheered them on.

Naturally, the goal in any race is to win so there were occasional tears of frustration and disappointment.

When Ella was in first grade, it was her turn. 

She knew she was smaller than most of her classmates.  We also knew that she had suffered a lengthy hospital stay and medical issues just weeks before that left her significantly weaker.

She said that going in she was certain she would get last.  And yet look at her face for just getting to be on the track.  Her enthusiasm and joy was not in anyway diminished by the ugly head of comparison.  Not when she hit a bale.  Not when she got passed or cut off by another.  She just enjoyed HER ride. 

Likewise, the second and third graders weren't angry that they weren't driving, they took up their spots in the stands and cheered with all their hearts. 

That's a lesson we can all learn from.  The very chance to participate in the Gospel of Jesus Christ is something that can bring us great joy.  Yes, there will be cart malfunctions, occasional roadblocks and more likely than not other drivers lacking the courtesy we might hope all would have.

But as Elder Schmeil taught yesterday, "This is not a competition.  We are here to love and help one another."

So listen more to those who are cheering than those who cut you off.  Appreciate each and every day and opportunity you have to learn and to serve.  And when you get your chance to ride, pedal with your whole heart and a big smile!


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