
My ringing phone quickly aroused me from my deep sleep.  As I sat up and fumbled for the phone on the nightstand, I glanced at the time.  2:03 am.  

One of my adult kid's name flashed across the phone and my heart seemed to freeze.  Any parent of young adults can identify with that feeling. 

"Hello?"  As it turned out she was  just burdened and stressed and needed to talk.  She shared her concerns.  I listened.  I reassured her.  

Eventually she said she was ready to sleep and thanked me.  I told her I loved her and went back to bed.  Her burden was lighter because she shared it.  

I  was glad I could be there for her and she knew she could always call at any hour.  

You know who else is available at any hour? Our Father in Heaven.  And his phone battery never dies.  He never gets distracted and always has good service.

How grateful I am that we have that promise.  He is really there.  He really listens.  And when we are obedient, and turn to Him we can find our own peace and our own rest.  No matter how difficult things may seem.


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