Conspiring Men

 I watched two third graders pick up their pocket pencil sharpeners and pretend to vape this week. And my heart sank. 

While it's not much different than when we were kids and my mom told us we couldn't "smoke" our green beans at dinner, it makes me angry. (And thanks Mom!)

It's no big deal they say.  Everybody does it.  

Vaping has increased 1800% in the last decade among teens (Truth Initiative).

I remember my older kids, who graduated in 2016, lamenting  "And we were going to be the generation who kicked tobacco use."

More than 5 million of our children used a vaping product in the last 30 days in the US.

This week I heard about two teens who were found in a high school restroom unresponsive. 

Paramedics were called and following successful treatment it was determined they had purchased vaping pods off the street which contained uncontrolled amounts of other substances which could have killed them. 

D&C 89:4 warns us: "Behold, verily, thus saith the Lord unto you: In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you, and forewarn you, by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation—"

"In consequence of evils and designs... in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days"

I'm angry and frustrated with the conspiring men (and women). 

I'm infinitely grateful for the safety and assurance that comes through scriptural warning if we heed it.

Our youth in the church are not exempt.  I personally know of leaders and parents who have struggled to help kids with this issue at home and at church activities in Indiana, Kentucky, Texas, Idaho, Utah, and Missouri.  

In an official statement in 2019 Church leaders provided additional clarification “and have taught that substances that are destructive, habit-forming or addictive should be avoided,” the statement read.

"Among these substances that are prohibited by the Word of Wisdom are vaping or e-cigarettes, green tea, and coffee-based products."

And in his loving way President Nelson encouraged, "Be different from the world. You and I know that you are to be a light to the world. Therefore, the Lord needs you to look like, sound like, act like, and dress like a true disciple of Jesus Christ. Yes, you are living in the world, but you have very different standards from the world to help you avoid the stain of the world.”

It's not just about what we can or can't think we can handle.  It's also about protecting us from those who don't care about us or our children or who ends up on the floor of a high school bathroom.


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