

In January, 2002 Kyrie started Sunbeams.  

I was teaching Sharing Time on her first Sunday and had to interrupt my lesson to go fetch her after she got up and left.

After bringing her back and resuming the lesson, she came up and pulled on my leg asking, "But Mommy, when is Sunbeams fun?"

It took a bit for the new routine to grow on her😂.  It can take us a bit to find and recognize the fun and rewards of some aspects of righteous living. 

Sometimes we miss out on opportunities that will, in fact, bring lasting happiness because we don't think they are "fun" enough or don't compare with other fun activities available at the moment.  

Claudio R M Costa counseled, "Both fun and happiness are fine, but certainly happiness is the most worth seeking. Happiness can encompass fun as well, but fun alone will not assure us true happiness."

When fun becomes our primary goal we shift off our spiritual centers.

"But how well I know that we can surround ourselves with the material things to the extent that we have no time for the spiritual. Look around and you will see all the gadgets and toys and the nice and the fun things that cause us to squander and pay and to wander and play."

(William R Bradford). 

There is nothing wrong with fun, but it's pursuit should not prevent us from pursuing the holy which will bring lasting happiness. 


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