

A Greek word for repentance  is Metanoeo which means a change of mind, thought, or thinking so powerful that it changes one's very way of life.

It means to shift our thinking toward God, and to train our minds and bodies to follow. It means to help repair the damage we have caused and to trust in the healing power and grace of Jesus Christ. 

President Nelson commented on the power of the roots of that word and encouraged us to look at repentance in a broader fashion than perhaps we have before.   

Yes, it may be painful, and daunting, and perhaps embarrassing.  Humans are so very good at getting ourselves into messes, aren't we?

But focus instead on what President Nelson calls the fruits of repentance. 

 "The fruits of repentance are sweet. Repentant converts find that the truths of the restored gospel govern their thoughts and deeds, shape their habits, and forge their character. They are more resilient and able to deny themselves of all ungodliness. Moreover, uncontrolled appetite, addiction to pornography or harmful drugs, unbridled passion,  carnal desire,  and unrighteous pride are diminished with complete conversion to the Lord and a determination to serve Him and to emulate His example.  Virtue garnishes their thoughts, and self-confidence grows.   Tithing is seen as a joyful and protective blessing, not as a duty or a sacrifice.  Truth becomes more attractive, and things praiseworthy become more engaging."

The rewards are great and worth it, because YOU are great and worth it.  And so are those affected by your choices.

One of the bravest  things we can ever do is to choose the right after we have chosen the wrong, no matter why it happened.


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