
The fall splendor is in its full glory.  It brings me pleasure and makes my soul smile.  Today I went down one of my favorite streets and looked in awe at the majestic maples richly red and orange.  

When I got home and looked at my own yard, I found myself scowling at the small little trees we planted last summer.  Probably not more than 100 leaves in all, it's not much to look at.

And then I caught myself.   We are planting those trees, not for the us of today but of tomorrow.  We are caring for these trees so that ten years from now they will be a blessing to us and twenty years from now that their leaf piles will bring joy to grandchildren. 

Speaking of the walnut tree that he had nurtured whose wood was crafted  into the pulpit in the conference center, President Hinckley said, "It is an emotional thing for me. I have planted another black walnut or two. I will be long gone before they mature."

He enjoyed the fruits of some of his labors but knew others were to be planted by him and enjoyed by others. 

So many things in life are seeds we plant and never know if harvesting even took place.  

Don't doubt the power of the seed.


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