

To be truly thankful requires a pause, 

Reflection to measure one's state.

To tune in and listen and feel deep inside

And not just to pile up my plate.

Friendships and loved ones - imperfect as they are,

Or hope for new ones to come,

The whispers of nature, calming my heart

Remind me of where peace comes from.

The ability to walk, or be pushed or carried,

The gift of being the one to carry along;

The strains of the strings in a symphony

Or the hum of a simple child's song.  

The years of the turkeys, stuffing and pies

Or maybe just a quick bowl of ramen;

Thanksgiving is how we receive what we have,

Not whether it's fancy or common. 

Thanksgiving means appreciating each breath I  inhale;

Finding the purpose  in pain;

It's celebrating the glory of sunshine above

But also the cleansing of rain. 

It's looking up from my screens,

To the Heavens above

And seeking to know my own part;

It's saying out loud, I thank you, Lord,

And letting His love fill my heart. 


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