11 Pipers Piping


Eleven pipers piping.  Eleven apostles who stood by Jesus, even if imperfectly.  

Peter, Andrew, Simon, Jude, Thomas, Matthew, James, James, John, Philip and Nathanael. 

Only John is believed to have died a natural death.  Records are unclear but we know some, if not all, of the apostles were crucified (Peter upside down), beheaded, stoned, stabbed or beaten.  

What was so important that they risked everything and laid their lives on the line? 

They knew Jesus.  They walked with him.  They talked with him.  They learned from him.  And they loved him.

So much that when Jesus said "Feed my sheep" they did.  Imperfectly, but they did it.  

Even when he was no longer physically there.  

Isn't our call the same?  To love Jesus.  To truly love Jesus. 

And then to share that love.  To feed his sheep, including ourselves. 

For God so loved the world, that He gave His begotten son.   For us.  (John 3:16)

For us to follow.  

For us to learn from.

For us to love. 


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