I Don't Feel Like Praying


I remember one night when my kids were little and had an argument that escalated  just before bedtime.  After some parental intervention (and probably raised voices), as I tucked one into bed she said that she was not going to say her prayers.  

I sat on the edge of her bed and asked her why not.  "Because I was bad and didn't do what Jesus said."

I sighed and put my arms around her.  "Heavenly Father loves you even on the bad days.  He tells us to pray always, not just when we make good choices."

"But I don't feel like praying when I feel like this."

I understood.  Sometimes I feel like that too.  But as often happens, it is in teaching others that I am taught. 

"First kneel down.  Then fold your arms and start. See how far you can go."

She slipped her little feet out from under the blanket and dropped to the floor.  Her arms crossed and she bowed her head as I knelt next to her and waited.  "Heavenly Father...", she started and then the tears began.  She melted into me and choked out the words and at the final amen threw her arms around my neck.  The Spirit had comforted her and she soon was sound asleep in the peaceful state that comes when we reconnect with God.

Sometimes we have been through a rough period of trials and may not feel loved.  Sometimes we have committed sins, even very serious sins, and don't feel worthy.  Sometimes, we have gotten busy and distracted and aren't sure how to get back on track.  Sometimes we are angry. 

Regardless of why we don't feel like praying, we need to know that Satan is anxious to use this moment to stop us from future good.  And we need to have a plan of action for when this happens, as it happens to virtually all people. 

Brigham Young spoke multiple times about what we should do when we don't feel like praying.  I particularly like this one which directly attacks Satan's efforts to stop us.

"Let me tell you how you should do. If you feel that you are tempted not to open your mouth to the Lord, and as though the heavens are brass over your heads and the earth iron beneath your feet, and that everything is closed up, and you feel that it would be a sin for you to pray, then walk up to the devil and say, Mr. Devil, get out of my way; and if you feel that you cannot get down upon your knees for fear you will swear, say, get down knees; and if they don't feel right when they are down, put something under them, some sharp sticks, for instance, and say, knees come to it. “But I dare not open my mouth,” says one, “for fear that I shall swear.” Then say, open, mouth, and now tongue, begin. Cannot I say Father? Yes, I can: I learned that in the days of my youth. Suppose you say, “Father, look in mercy upon me,” do you think the devil is going to snap you up then? If he is still by, and you dare not open your eyes for fear you will see him, tell him to stand there until you have done praying, and bring the body to a state of submission."

Devil, get out of my way.  Knees, kneel down.  Mouth, speak.  

And then begin, "Father, look in mercy upon me." And His mercy will come.  It may take time and come in ways we don't expect, but it will come.


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