Merry Christmas


What a difficult and life-changing week for many. And yet I recognize for many that these difficult, even horrifically tragic parts of mortality occur regularly.  We just don't always know.

I was on the phone with a friend last night and commented that I really hoped we get some good news.  

And then, because it was Christmas Eve, I read about a brave young mama traveling with her honorable spouse-to-be trying to follow what God had asked of them.  

Struggling to find shelter they end up in a grotto of some sort, an enclosure for animals.  And the babe is born.  The King of the world who slipped into the world in a humble and simple manner.  

He was wrapped in cloths, the Lamb of God, and laid in a manger. 

And the angels came.  The heavenly host who came to the lowest, the most common of people; the shepherds.  And they brought them this news.  This proclamation:

"Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord."

There it is.  The good news.  This baby, our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, came for us ALL.  

He came to bind up broken hearts. To dry tears.  To hold us through the darkest nights. 

He came to conquer death and allow us to live again. To see our loved ones again. 

He came to help us overcome our sin and human frailties.  He came to help us dissolve hurt and hate and anger and learn to forgive.  He came to make things whole again. To start anew.  

He came to let each of us know that we are okay.  We are enough but can become so much more by turning to him, following him, trusting him.  

He came because he loved the Father and he loved us.  He loves me.  He loves you.  

The good news is Christmas.  The good news is Jesus.  And oh, how I love Him.  

Merry Christmas! 


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