
 Sometimes all we can do is pray.  And tonight I am praying mightily for my friend's daughter who we also love dearly. 

To plead and beg Heaven for the help we so desperately need.  Or on behalf of someone we love.

When we bring every thought, every bit of energy and every piece of us and lay them on the altar.  That can be part of sincere prayer. 

Elder Bruce R McConkie taught, "It is pleasing to that God whose we are when we fast and pray and seek his blessings; when we plead with all the energy of our souls for those things we so much desire; when, as Paul says, we “come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”

I believe that at our most desperate moments our Savior is as close to us as is possible.

I believe that when we can no longer even form the words, he hears and senses our prayers from the jumble of thoughts and the overwhelming feelings of desperation storming through our minds and souls.  

 I believe that when we aren't sure what to pray for, that He will make sense out of our madness and calm our hearts. And that the perfection in his mercy and grace is knowing exactly what we need from Heaven to help us through the excruciatingly difficult realities of mortality.


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