You Are Not Alone


"Lead me, guide me, walk beside me."

I found myself saying those words over and over as I responded to my friend's text that her husband was critically ill and they had been summoned to say goodbye.  A Primary song , sure; but perhaps one that should be more primary in my patterns of direction.  

"Help me know what to say, or when to say nothing at all. Help me reflect your love. Please don't let me somehow make this worse for this grieving family."  That was my prayer.

"When is the last time you mourned with those who mourn? Or comforted those who needed comforting?"  The words from today's Sacrament Meeting echoed through my mind.   This is what we promised to do.

Then the news that he was gone.   One more widow.  Two more fatherless children.  At least in earthly terms. 

I called a friend who let me talk it out and cry it out .  And then the words came to my mind in a powerful rush.  "You are not alone."  That's what they needed to hear.  That's what I needed to somehow show. And so I tried. And I cried.  And I felt. And I watched another offer her own hugs and tears.

And those same words were echoed in blessings, and through more tears, and through meals, and blankets, and phone calls made when she couldn't say the words another time and friends offering to spend the night so she wouldn't wake up alone.  Through memories shared. Through generous donations of cash and through sharing of knowledge of how to navigate the logistics of funerals. And through hugs.  A thousand different ways to mourn with those who mourn.  

And all of them coming down to this.

You are not alone. 

Richard L Evans taught this inspired message, "And you who have lost your loved ones: You are not alone. God, who is the Father of the spirits of all men, has sent us here from His presence until he calls us to return. And our loved ones who have left us will always be themselves, and we may see and know and be with them again, always and forever—if we will but take the steps that lead to eternal family reunion. They are nearer to us than we know."

He is always there.  And His divine teachings can be our guiding star.  But he counts on us to help one another feel that we aren't alone.  Especially in the most difficult of times.  Sometimes that's easier than others.   But we can ask him to help guide us. 

Elder Evans continued, "He is there and within our reach. He will guide and enlighten and lift. He is the source of truth, of comfort, of protection, and of the peace that passeth understanding, and the source of the sweet and satisfying assurance that life and truth are limitless and everlasting, and despite all problems and all perplexities we are not left alone in life."

You are not alone.  Powerful words that as we share with others will remind us of the eternal truth that we are also not alone.  Ever. 


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