No Matter What Others Do


At the end of a long day at work I took the kids outside where parents who park and walk up can retrieve their kids.  It's next to the bus zone so we require parents to park and walk and not drive through the bus zone.

The line to pick up your kids while staying in your car is in the back and much longer.  Those willing to exit their vehicles and take a few extra steps can get out faster.  

But we always have a couple of parents trying to skip the long line but not park and get out and they pull into the bus zone.  Today that parent actually stopped in the middle of the road and honked and motioned for her child to run across the parking lot.  

I quickly approached her car and said, "I'm sorry but this is a bus zone and you can't stop here."

She rolled her eyes and flippantly responded, "I'm sick."

I took a deep breath.  "I'm sorry, but this is still a bus zone."

She began screaming swear words at me with her child standing there.  

I took another breath and then repeated, "I'm sorry, but this is still a bus zone."

Her child had gotten in the car by this time and she took off, still swearing .

And I was mad. 

I was tired of kids being rude to us because it's what is modeled for them.

I was tired of so many people thinking they should be the exception to courtesy and safety.

I was tired of people making my job ridiculously and needlessly difficult.

I got in my car still mad and vented to a couple of people.  

And then my radio turned on.  And I listened as Chris Tomlin sang.

"Do you feel the world is broken? "

Today that's definitely how I was feeling.  

But then I kept listening. 

"Is the glory of the Lord to be the light within our midst?  It is.

Is it good that we remind ourselves of this? It is. 

Does the Father truly love us? He does.

Does the Spirit move among us?  He does.

And does Jesus our Messiah hold forever those He loves? He does."

And all of a sudden the cares of today were lifted.  

Not because they had changed.  

But because He has offered a higher way.  

He has said, "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."

He has overcome it all.  The annoyances, the rudeness, the selfishness, the hurtfulness, the loneliness, the bitterness.  All of it.  

If I accept his gift of peace. 

It doesn't excuse them, but it doesn't have to consume me. 

The love of Jesus Christ can fill my heart.  No matter what others do. 

And I drove home to make dinner for my family and heap kind words on my husband and daughter so maybe they will make the lives they encounter a little brighter tomorrow. 


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