Diligent Teaching


Several weeks ago our family was reading from the Old Testament and Ella said she had never heard of Cain and Abel.

Now I know I have taught that story, and I have taught it multiple times.  What I don't know is if those times were to my older kids and I sort of just checked it off as done.  It's quite possible.  

We don't have a perfect record in holding family prayer, family home evening, or scripture study.  We try and sometimes we do better than others, but let's just say our train has been derailed many times! 

In Deuteronomy, the Lord spoke to the Israelites from Mount Sinai about how they needed to teach His words.  "And thou shalt ​​​teach​ them diligently unto thy children, and shalt ​​​talk​ of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up."

Diligently.  Meaning repeatedly.  And built into daily life.  Built in to our meal times.  Built into our carpooling and transportation times. Before bed.  And at the start of the day.  

It gives me some peace to know that it's expected to need multiple teachings. And that those teaching moments can pop up at many different times.  

I just have to be in-tune enough to recognize them.  


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