Every Soul


Today when I arrived at work, I was met by a coworker with a gift bag of chocolate and almonds- one of my favorite combinations.

With tears in her eyes she thanked me for my actions earlier this week when I stepped in to protect a student from an inebriated parent.  I was able to treat the parent with respect in a very difficult and dangerous  situation while protecting two young children.  

She explained that her own mom was an alcoholic but every time she tried to seek help, she was told there was nothing anyone could do.  

She also was touched that I was able to handle the whole situation while honoring the parent-child relationship.  

I gave her a hug and told her I was sorry that no one was there for her.  I listened and I told her how brave she is.

And then she asked me how I knew what to say and do.

Well, we've been studying Moses and Abraham in seminary this week.  We've been talking about the worth of every soul and about working together in unity.  

So when I saw my sweet little five year old in this precarious situation, I had the very clear thought that to help her, I needed to show love to her mom.  

I wondered what must be happening in life for you to need to drink that much by 3:00 in the afternoon.  And my heart hurt for her as well.  We are all more than our worst choices.  

She would still be held accountable; in fact she would go to jail.  Love does not mean an absence of consequences.  

But her daughter would remember sharing her favorite thing about her mom- she's a good snuggler- and giving her a big hug before we led her to another room to be picked up by grandparents.  

So to answer my friend's question- it wasn't me at all- it was the guidance sent from Heaven and a pattern of living that says every soul matters, and even in hard situations we can step up and do the right thing.  


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