Loving Others


Yesterday a little girl at school went to the lunchroom after she realized she had left her necklace on her lunch tray and accidentally thrown it away.  

By then many classes had already come and gone and it was presumed that the necklace was somewhere in the bags of trash taken out.  The girl was disappointed but returned to class. 

One of our custodians observed the situation and with the help of our lunch lady checked the cameras until they saw which trash can the girl had used and narrowed it down.  Then she went digging through the trash and found the necklace, washed it and had it ready for the student.  

Our counselor, aware that a family was without food went to Walmart to purchase some groceries using our donated cash cards.  When she explained to a parent and student why she was there and not at school, the parent asked if it happened often.  After hearing the conversation, the young student pulled out $10 of her own Christmas money to give her to help any other families who might need food.

Finally, a couple who wish to remain anonymous and who recently moved into

the area called and asked to meet with our principal.  They wanted to do something to make life a little better for some people.  Yesterday they stopped by and paid off $3,676 in outstanding book fees for families.  

What beautiful acts of kindness!!

What good people are all around me.

When we look for opportunities to serve and then take them, we become a part of the miracles others are praying for. 

President Linda K Burton spoke of President Monson's  invitation to love in this manner, "Did you hear it—the invitation to love one another? For some, serving or ministering one by one, following the Savior’s example, doesn’t come easily. But with practice, each of us can become more like the Savior as we serve God’s children. To help us better love one another, I would like to suggest four words to remember: “First observe, then serve.”

Sometimes it might be a little messy, sometimes it might take the faith of a child and often it will require some sacrifice.  

But the magic of being a part of His plan and uplifting the hearts and souls of others will always be worth it. 


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