

I have always thought of Zion in terms of how we live amongst one another here on earth.  But this verse changed it a bit for me:

JST Genesis 9:22

​​And this is mine everlasting covenant, that when thy posterity shall embrace the truth, and look upward, then shall Zion look downward, and all the heavens shall shake with gladness, and the earth shall tremble with joy;​

When we embrace truth, aligning with Jesus Christ no matter how small that truth may be at the moment....

and look up... looking toward Heaven and God and our many loved ones who have crossed the veil ahead of us......

Then Zion looks down....all those who also align with Christ look back at us.  Can you see your grandparents, leaders, beloved friends or precious children?

Then the heavens shake with gladness...  they are so filled with joy at each good step we take....at each glance upward......

and we can feel the joy too.  Not 24/7.  Not to the exclusion of the very real pain and grief we feel. 

But in bursts of joy that spark our faith and hope and enable us to take that very next step.  Walking by faith on this side with one another because of the promise and encouragement  helping us from that side.  

That is Zion.  And it's a beautiful thing. 


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