

Last night I was waiting in the airport in Dallas as our flight was delayed first once, than twice and then a third time.

It was frustrating for all but interesting to watch the various responses.  Lots of sighing.  A few people immediately calculating the potential rewards in flight vouchers if the flight were to be cancelled.  Some looking up alternative routes.  And lots of general murmuring.  

But one man took it to a whole new level.  You know those phones at the desks that attendants use to tell you when to board? Well this guy went over and picked it up and loudly demanded, "Ticketing agent to gate E27, ticketing agent to gate E27."

When someone came he was asked to stay off the phone and they explained that our plane wasn't here yet and that was the delay.  We couldn't fly on a plane that wasn't there.

He proceeded to tell her with a string of profanity what he thought.  Then after she left he repeated the shenanigan with new messages two more times.

When the flight finally arrived he wasn't allowed to join us.  With his chosen behavior he had lost his privilege to fly.

We will all have stressful and frustrating situations to face.  But how we choose to respond directly impacts the outcome.  

And we have been promised a comforter when things are difficult.  

Difficult as in its 2 am and I'm finally getting to my destination.  

Difficult as in my loved one is losing his faith.

Difficult as in my child is suffering with an injury or illness .

Difficult as in I have been treated unfairly. 

Difficult as in the loneliness feels more than I can bear.

Difficult as in my homeland is under attack and we are fleeing for our lives. 

Ella arrived home a short time ago from an all day youth leadership activity and bubbling with excitement lounged on my bed next to me and shared her day. 

As a part of that she shared the large Lego she had made at the craft portion of the day in which she chose a favorite scripture to be laser burned onto the side.

She chose John 14:18.  "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you."

How heartwarming it is as her mom to see her seeing Jesus as her source of comfort.  She has been through lots of difficulties and loss but is learning that He will find her in her moments of need. 

What better message  for her to know than to look for the comforting hand of the Savior, even amidst trials. 

I am grateful to leaders who sacrifice time and effort to let our kids stop and reflect on what scripture they want burned into their hearts.  

I am grateful for the awareness of the Comforter who I can trust.  

He will not leave us comfortless.  Ever. 


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