
 Thursday I woke up to a strange sensation.  

I wasn't groggy and felt clear-headed.  

When I stood up I felt almost elated and it took me a moment to realize why.  

Nothing on my body hurt.  I was pain free for the first time I remembered in months.  

Two days earlier we had been watching my leg swell and swell and swell, wondering when we needed to head to the ER.

Now I headed down the stairs and found myself skipping.

I ate breakfast and nothing came back up.

At work, projects that I had been plodding along trying to complete for weeks I was able to wrap up in an hour and quickly whittled down my to-do list.

I found myself running and chasing with kids at recess and felt like I had sunshine coming from my soul.

I was laughing and just happy to be alive.

Over and over again I took in with some surprise the way in which I could stand up and sit down unassisted, open a bottle lid by myself, or take in a full breath of air with ease.  Human bodies are quite amazing when they work right! 

I felt not just good.  I felt like me!

I called George and scheduled a celebratory dinner out and it was just a very good day.

That night I was tired but slipped into an easy sleep with no extra meds.  

I was full of gratitude for the day.  

Yesterday was a pretty good day too.  

This morning, however,  I could feel the tell-tale signs in my joints and the electrical zap feelings in the nerves in my legs.  

But I'm not complaining.  I'm grateful.  I was wondering today if that joy and freedom I felt during that day, when for whatever reason my immune system took a break from its assault on my organ systems, was very much like it will feel to be resurrected.

To be free not only physically, but mentally and emotionally from our temporal limitations.

We are instructed in Alma 11:45, "Now, this restoration shall come to all, both old and young, both bond and free, both male and female, both the wicked and the righteous; and even there shall not so much as a hair of their heads be lost; but every thing shall be restored to its perfect frame..."

Elder Uchtdorf phrased it this way, "This resurrected body will not be subject to death, and you will live in the eternities, free from pain and physical suffering.  This will happen because of Jesus the Christ, who laid down His life and took it up again.

He did this for all who believe in Him.

He did this for all who do not believe in Him.

He did this even for those who mock, revile, and curse His name."

How beautiful and glorious it is to think of that day. 

Of that gift. 

Of that love.

How that fills me with hope, inspires me to patiently endure and reminds me that this life truly is but a temporary stop. 

And how sometimes the little glimpses remind us of just what lies in store.


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