

My daughter is the athletic trainer for a small, private Christian high school.  

Tonight the softball team played the Indiana School of the Deaf.

They won, but that's not what stood out.

Knowing they would be playing them, several of the students took the time over the last week to learn and practice some sign language so they could reach out to the other team in friendship. 

A kind, beautiful thing to do.  

But one girl took it even further. 

Faith Christian has a tradition of their athletes inviting the opposing team to join them in prayer following the game.

So this girl had learned an entire simple prayer in sign language so they could pray together.  

They saw an opportunity to include and they took the steps to take Christ-like action and reflect love to others.  

Their faith was beautifully demonstrated.  

Elder Gary E Stevenson taught, "We have a primary responsibility to set a tone and be role models of kindness, inclusion, and civility—to teach Christlike behavior to the rising generation in what we say and how we act."

I would say that often it is the next generation who is teaching us.  

Perhaps we should watch a bit more closely.


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