

I am teaching a lesson on prioritization this week at work and it reminded me of a priority I need to bump up in my life. 

Temple attendance.

I remember when my friend's grandparents had set a goal to visit every temple in the world.  That seemed reasonable and achievable at the time.

Now we have an ever increasing number of temples allowing more and more people to make temple attendance regular.  

Yet sometimes it seems as if our plans to attend are repeatedly thwarted.  

By illness.  Or work schedules.  Weather.  Or conflicts. Or personal struggles. 

But that just reminds me that I need to put more energy into planning and achieving that goal. 

Like many other aspects of the the gospel, each time we go our experience can bring us new learning, insights and blessings.  

Sister Silvia H Allred explained,"The temple is a house of learning. Much of the instruction imparted in the temple is symbolic and learned by the Spirit. This means we are taught from on high. Temple covenants and ordinances are a powerful symbol of Christ and His Atonement. We all receive the same instruction, but our understanding of the meaning of the ordinances and covenants will increase as we return to the temple often with the attitude of learning and contemplating the eternal truths taught”.

Am I making attendance in His holy house and my instruction from on high a priority? 


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