They Knew My Name


I went to pick up my car from the mechanic tonight, grumbling a bit about the cost to myself. And the inconvenience of not having a vehicle. 

Then when I arrived the mechanic shared with me the updates on his family since we were there last.  We are the kind of car customers who keep him in business so get updates semi-regularly.  But having cars that are paid for are worth the hassle for our circumstances.  

He and his wife are raising his grandchildren after his daughter passed away and their dad was sent to prison.  He told me we needed to get things settled up quickly so he could get to the church talent show where his grandkids would be performing.

He shared how when she died it turned out his daughter had visited a small church shortly before her death.  And that even though they had attended another large church faithfully for years, there was little to no response when they hit their difficulties. 

But day after day this other pastor showed up to bless them, pray with them and listen.  

Others from the congregation brought meals and flowers and helped.  With tears in his eyes he looked up at me and said, "They knew my name."

I was grateful for my encounter, and that my money was going to help this man.  As I was driving home I kept thinking, "who else needs to know they are seen? And that someone else knows their name?"

In Exodus 33 Moses is speaking to the Lord and states, "Yet thou hast said I know thee by name."

He does know us by name.  Me.  And you. 

But He asks us to help others for Him.  To help them feel seen and heard.  

Maybe you are the one who just needs reminded that He knows your name.

And maybe you are the one who needs an outstretched hand or hug.  

And maybe you are the one being called to learn a new name and hear a new story. 

Ask Him.  And He will tell you.  


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