Friday at school, I had a student come into my room with excitement in his voice. He is a student who has some reading struggles I have been helping him with. His low confidence has led to disengagement in the classroom for years. We are trying to change that. He burst through the door and exclaimed, “Mrs. Potter! Did you know that when the teachers are talking they actually give the answers to the next test!??” I bit my lip to keep back a smile at his discovery of what we assume is obvious to all. “You are right! How have you been studying in the past?” “I just google everything, but it makes it really hard.” So true. My young friend had figured out a piece of the bigger picture of education. We aren’t hiding the answers. We are trying to help them become part of their knowledge set and thinking process. Our Heavenly Father also doesn’t hide the answers from us. They are in the scriptures. From t...
I hate missing church. Don't get me wrong. I eagerly watch for that cancellation text when storms come as much as anyone. My warm covers beckon on Sunday mornings. But on weeks when my health (and consequential need for continual close proximity to a restroom) make church attendance unwise, I miss it. The people. The messages. The music. The Spirit. And especially the Sacrament. And while I have troubles and difficulties of my own, they pale to many of those around me. And I feel their pain deeply. Maybe you are feeling like you have no more reserves left to face this next chapter and are running on empty. Maybe you feel all alone and like no one understands. Not even God because you haven't been able to hear or feel answers in awhile. Or maybe you feel like you are too well known and will never be able to shed the shadow of your past choices no matter your current heart. Maybe you've been...
Four different times yesterday I tripped over, stubbed my toe or knocked down the loose baby gate leaning against the stairs. Four! We use it to keep the dogs downstairs at certain times but they've been able to go up and down freely for a few days. And I just kept knocking that gate over again and then getting frustrated. Finally, I moved the gate. And incredibly enough I am now less likely to trip on it. 🤦♀️ In the same way sometimes as we work to free ourselves from entangling sin, if we fail to change the circumstances or environment around us, we are much more likely to find ourselves stuck in that sin again. And then feeling frustrated and discouraged. Elder Joseph B Wirthlin cautioned, "I do not know of another period in the history of the world that has been so filled with such a variety of entangling nets. Our lives are so easily filled with appointments, meetings, and tasks. It is so easy to get caught in a multitude of nets that sometimes even...
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