

One of the lyrics from Dear Evan Hansen has been going through my mind for the last few days.  

From the song, "The Anonymous Ones" it's a powerful message. 

"The parts we can't tell, we carry them well; but that does not mean they aren't heavy."

Every single one of us has things that are hard.  Things that are scary.  Things that we wish were different.  

Every single one of us is broken.  Imperfect. And a sinner.

Even those who may seem to have things always working out, or who were somehow absent when the trials were handed out.  Them too.

Two second graders who I was helping mediate an argument put it this way. 

Student one:

"It made me angry when you hit me.  I need to feel safe at school and not like someone is going to hurt me. And I already was hurting inside because of something else."

Student two (dropping onto the floor next to her): "I'm sorry.  I didn't know that.  I'm hurting on the inside too."

Student one: "I know."

Me (a bit surprised): How did you know that? (It's definitely true). 

Student one:  "You have a lot of teachers and people helping you.  People who need a lot of help have big hurts inside."

Me: "I wonder who else is hurting inside and what we could do. Let's start by fixing this."

Student two: "I'm really sorry.  How can I make this right?" (We've been working hard on owning our mistakes and making amends).

Student one:  "You can give me my marble back and we can be friends and help other kids."

Student two (hands back marble); "I bet really everybody has hurting inside."

Me:  "I think you are right and since we can't tell from the outside maybe we should be kind to everyone."

Seriously.  These kids are my teachers.  

Every. Single. Day.

Because they are wise.  

They understand life and haven't been jaded by our adult nastiness and bitterness.

They hope and believe and forgive and rebuild with one another.

And they are so right.  

The pain and loneliness and ups and downs are common to man.  Meaning we all experience it. 

That is the why of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  

We are the why of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  

Those sins and weaknesses and trials and frustrations that weigh us down, He is waiting to take from us. 

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

Jesus is the answer.  But we can also help. 

Everyone is carrying something heavy.  Be kind.

And just because someone seems to have it all together doesn't mean they wouldn't appreciate a helping hand.  


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