

One of my good friends and coworkers has been battling stage IV metastatic breast cancer which had moved into her arm bones, hips, pelvis and multiple lymph nodes.

Her prognosis did not look good but she began the regimens of chemotherapy, radiation, and a huge dose of faith.  

Last week she went in for her scan and to the astonishment of her medical team they found no evidence of cancer left.  Her lymph nodes had all returned to normal size.  The cancer appeared to be gone. 

It was a true miracle! We all cried and praised together.

Today I am contemplating the blessing of being able to testify and witness her miracle when my own healing looks different.  Or isn't happening. 

Even when, as Elder Bednar asked, we have the faith to NOT be healed. 

Elder Donald L Hallstrom shared this thought provoking question, "Is our faith focused on simply wanting to be relieved of pain and suffering, or is it firmly centered on God the Father and His holy plan and in Jesus the Christ and His Atonement? Faith in the Father and the Son allows us to understand and accept Their will as we prepare for eternity."

I echo his thoughts when I testify of miracles.

I know that being a child of God is a miracle.

I know that finding people who understand and uphold me is a miracle.

I know that with the myriad of ways our bodies can malfunction, each day of life is a miracle.  

And I also know that returning to him after death is a miracle. 

I know that even with the flaws our bodies are miracles.  We can use them to participate in God's eternal plan.  What a blessing!!

The atonement of Jesus Christ is a miracle.  It can truly heal us, He can truly heal each and every one of us of our spiritual difficulties and hurts and hardships. 

I also know that the joy I feel for my friend is real and so deserved. I still can't stop smiling over the news. 

God is so good.  And I thank Him! 


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