Be the Village


Sometimes we have opportunities to help in small ways.  

And sometimes in big ways.

And often the small ways are the big ways.  

This week my friend, Robyn, shared the beautiful story of a success she was blessed to be a part in.

She is an active volunteer in her local community, especially among teens and recently found out that a student who was a refugee was going to fall short of his requirements for graduation.

She jumped into action and involved her son-in-law, her kids and gave plenty of hours as she stepped in and reviewed his transcript, met with teachers and compiled a list of what needed to be done.

Then she met with his family to encourage support from them and literally sat at her table helping him complete every last assignment and requirement.  

Her heart is pure gold. 

Only to have her hopes and his crushed when she found out that he had never filled out the waiver forms for activity fees in high school.  

So $1000 was sitting on his account preventing him from graduating.

Following inspiration, she reached out to a social media influencer who then raised more than $3000 in the first day which allowed not only this boy to graduate, but also every person who participated to be a part of the process.  

And the extra to pay off other students' fees in the same manner.  

It took courage to ask others to help and was way outside her comfort zone.

It took personal sacrifice of time and other priorities for them to actually walk beside this young man.  

And knowing Robyn there was always food at the table too.  

She didn't share this to applaud herself, but to show what can happen when we rise above the negativity of our world and do what we can where we can as we are able.

And then get out of the way for the miracles that follow!  

As President Nelson said "seek and expect miracles".  They won't always come in the way and time we expected, but they will be there and we will get to be a part of them if we have done the work.  


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