Hard Things


A few months ago I purchased a shirt to support my friend Rachael in her fight against cancer.

When the shirt arrived, it included a "you can do hard things" sticker and also some pink starbursts.  Those are my favorite (the starburst) and I like them a bit stale because it feels good to use up some of my jaw tension chomping on them.  

But I set the sticker aside and forgot about it. 

Today as I'm back home and quarantining in my room I found my sticker and decided it was the perfect time to add it to my hydro flask. 

Someday I am confident that the fact that I put a sticker on my hydro flask will very clearly date this moment, but I digress.

I carefully added it to the bottle and have looked at it several times today.

I can do hard things. 

I've done things that were physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, intellectually and socially hard.  

And there are times I do it by myself.  Or at least try.

But it always goes better if I do it with the help and guidance of Jesus Christ. 

The world says if things are hard that there must be something wrong. 

Or that anything hard is either unfair or all my own glory if I do accomplish it. 

But what has true doctrine taught us about hard things? Here are just a few guiding words. 

As we face hard things in the Lord’s way, may we lift up our heads and rejoice. -M Joseph Brought

Laman and Lemuel are the one who said "Thou hast declared unto us hard things, more than we are able to bear. …"

Having the love of God always in [our] hearts”  gives us confidence to do hard things.  Gayle M Clegg

The hard things in our lives should come as no surprise. One of the earliest covenants we make with the Lord is to live the law of sacrifice. Sacrifice, by definition, involves giving up something desirable. -Stanley G Ellis

Some of you are doing hard things and you are doing them so very well. ....You are learning that sometimes the Savior calms the storm. Sometimes He lets the storm rage and calms you. -Carol B Thomas

We had existence as individuals long before this life. We had agency then, and we chose to come to earth, rthough we knew there would be hazards and hard things here. We had sufficient confidence then to choose to follow the plan of Jesus Christ. -Aileen H Clyde

One young man I know said: “It’s just too hard. Living the standards in my world is not realistic. It’s just too hard.” Yet knowing that we are sons and daughters of God, we must strive for worthiness. Another group of youth adopted the motto “I Can Do Hard Things.” They understand their identity, their mission, their source of guidance, and they receive strength through keeping their covenants. They also understand that when they make a mistake, they can change! -Elaine S Dalton

Mercies and blessings come in different forms—sometimes as hard things. -Bonnie D Parkin

Because Jesus Christ suffered greatly, He understands our suffering. He understands our grief. We experience hard things so that we too may have increased compassion and understanding for others. -Joseph B Wirthlin

When hard things come, I think it’s easy to become stagnant and not really want to move forward, but if you put the Lord first, the adversities can lead to beautiful blessings. You can see His hand and witness miracles.” -Mary N Cook

Don’t be deterred. Hard can be good. Christ invites us to do many hard things because He knows we will be blessed as a result of our efforts. -Devin G Durant 

Trust becomes real when we do hard things with faith. Service and sacrifice increase capacity and refine hearts. Trust in God and each other brings heaven’s blessings. -Garrett W Gong

Yes, I can do hard things - and so can you.  But it's always wise to do it with His help. 


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