

As I was sitting in Sacrament Meeting today I had a clear memory of my Grandma Hines sharing her favorite scripture with me.

It was 3 John 1:4 which reads "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth."

I am not under any grand illusion that each of my kids won't have moments or even long periods of spiritual wonderings, stumbling or even intentional steps away.  

They each have their agency, personal experiences and own stories to write. 

And many have had seasons of doubts already.  

But today was one of those days where I got to feel true joy at the intentional steps they are taking in the Gospel or Jesus Christ.

And I know what Grandma meant.

Alex spoke in church and shared her thoughts and personal testimony as she prepares to leave on her mission. She was honest and open about her awareness of her own shortcomings and yet so excited about her opportunity to serve.

Ella played "Come Thou Fount" on her harp at church with the most poise I've ever seen in her.  She has battled stage fright steadily over the last two years and I am so proud of her. 

Colton shared with us a new church calling he received and his willingness and excitement to serve could be heard and felt even through the phone call.

Kyrie also has recently received a new calling that challenges her and lets her reach out to others. I've heard from another leader about the difference she makes.

I have cried, prayed, loved, laughed, taught and served with my children along side me.

And today I get to feel that joy at each of their steps.  

And thank my Heavenly Parents and Savior for their influences in their lives. 

And for this moment that makes me want to freeze time forever and stay right here.  

But instead I will savor it and write it down to fall back on when I need to remember.  

Thank you Grandma for reminding me not to miss it. 


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