Much Will He Given

 I had several parents and students recently thanking me for my service as seminary teachers.

It was genuine and appreciated but I heard the phrase several times "I know you give up so much."

On the surface, perhaps yes.  I gave up some sleep each day.  I dedicated an hour or more each night to preparation.  I sometimes had to move or miss work meetings.

But here is the thing.  

I gained  SO much more than I gave.  And those gains and blessings have proven to be direct answers to prayers I had made asking for help.

It has helped me connect with my daughter.  

It has given me focused scripture study that provides a continuous fountain of new inspiration and guidance. 

It has blessed me to get to know and love these amazing kids and makes me feel younger!

It brings the Spirit into my home-

every.  single. day.

I had lots of legitimate reasons I could have turned this calling down.  But I'm so glad I didn't.  

And I want to remind myself to ask this when new opportunities arise.

What if the answers to the very things I am praying for come in the form of service in response to another's prayers? 

What if I am turning down, dismissing or avoiding the thing that would bring me what I most need?

I have learned that the Lord keeps his promises.  And that while it's true that "for of him unto whom much is given much is required"  the reciprocal is also true.  

Where much is required, much will be given.


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