Not In The Wind


I love summer storms.  I have since I was little.

The smell of rain on the hot parched earth, the feel of warm splashes of water on my skin, the swirls of grey and white and black in the heavens and the light show all are parts of the experience that work together in a sensory explosion.

Yesterday I was sitting on my porch listening to the thunder echo and race through the clouds seeming to go higher and higher and loud enough to feel the rumblings.  

Air made me think of last week's lesson from 1 Kings 19.  

Elijah was frustrated.  

The people weren't listening and he was alone.  

They were even seeking to kill him.

In verses 11-12 we read:

And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the ​​Lord​​. And, behold, the ​​Lord​​ passed by, and a great and strong wind rent ​​the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the ​​Lord​​; ​but​ the ​​Lord​​ ​was​ not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; ​but​ the ​​Lord​​ ​was​ not in the earthquake:

​​​And after the earthquake a fire; ​but​ the ​​Lord​​ ​was​ not in the fire: and after the fire a ​​​still​ small ​​​voice​.

Elder Eyring recently taught, "Hearing that voice will come from our faith in Him.  With sufficient faith, we will ask for direction with the intent to go and do whatever He asks. We will have developed the faith to know that whatever He asks will bless others and that we can be purified in the process because of His love for us.  As our faith in Jesus Christ will have led us to ask the Father for answers, that faith will also have brought the Savior’s softening touch enough for us to hear His direction and be determined and excited to obey."

The voice we hear may be small, but what big and wonderful promises!

Hear with faith (and developing faith is okay- it doesn't have to be perfect!).

Ask for direction (not just specific outcomes) with intent to follow.

And the promises:

We will help Him bless others.

We will be purified (so don't be surprised if we have to let go of some things!). 

We will feel the Savior's softening touch.  Maybe to our anger or hurt or bitterness.  Maybe to the exhaustion or fear or worry.

Whatever it is that we need softened. 

And we will become better at hearing his voice which will bring even more blessings.  

The storms may rage around us, but His voice is sure.  


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