Set apart


Today is a day I hope to remember forever. 

Our Stake President came to our home and with our kids gathered around he set apart Alex as a missionary.

He talked to us about what it means to be set apart and how that is a very personal term- as it's what each of us is individually being consecrated for and given the divine help we need to accomplish. 

The promises this girl was given as she gives her whole heart as a missionary brought tears to my eyes.

But it also made ponder on my own current callings and responsibilities.  

And reminded me not to forget to tap into that divine help and my own blessings for the things I have been set apart to do.  

President Bonnie H Cardon reminded, "You have been set apart by one who has priesthood authority; this means as you perform the duties of your calling, you exercise priesthood authority. You have an important work to do. Be sensitive to and act on the promptings of the Holy Ghost. As you do so, you can serve with confidence, for you do not serve alone!"

Just as Alex will be a great missionary as she follows those promptings, so will each of us magnify not only the Lord but our own testimonies and growth as we also follow the Spirit and become more like Christ.

And not just as others would do it- but each of us uniquely as we align to the teachings of Christ according to our personal revelation and the mission that we have been set apart for.  


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