They That Be With Us

 I pulled up to the airport late last night and sent a text to two young teens.  

"Hello.  This is Natalie, your moms' cousin (and Ella's mom).  I will be your airport ride tonight."

I then went to wait at the baggage claims to pick up these boys from two different households who didn't know me.

Because that's what family does. 

We are gathering this weekend.  

From West Virginia, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Utah, Alaska, Idaho, and Tennessee.

Many of the teens in our family are coming together to connect and then go to EFY together.  To worship Jesus Christ together and learn and love. 

And I get the privilege of catching a glimpse. 

In 2 Kings we read about Elisha and his companion completely surrounded by the Assyrian army.  Hope seems dismal as his friend looks around and counts the armies.  But then Elisha responds with one of my favorite comforting passages. 

"They that be with us are more than they that be with them”.

He then prays that his friend's eyes might be opened to see and "the mountain was filled with horses and chariots of fire behind Elisha".  

No matter how dark and discouraging and evil the world may seem, when we are with God, they that are with us are greater.  

They are enough.  

Sister Sharon G Larsen bore this beautiful testimony. "I testify that the consoling words of Elisha to his young friend are still true today: “They that be with us are more than they that be with them” The Lord will surround and protect our young people with chariots of fire, as He did for Elisha, in the form of parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, neighbors, leaders, and friends who will vigorously love them and lead them.""

They still have agency, and it will require lots of listening and love and patience.  But it will also be full of fun and inspiration and learning. 

Today I get to help vigorously love and lead these precious youth in my family.

But look around- who are you being called to lead? What do you need to set down to let that happen? Who needs your love? 

And when you show them those that are for them,  it will also remind you that it's just as true for you. 

Your eyes will be opened and you will see your own chariots.

According to Elder Rasband, "We may or may not have chariots of fire sent to dispel our fears and conquer our demons, but the lesson is clear. The Lord is with us, mindful of us and blessing us in ways only He can do. Prayer can call down the strength and the revelation that we need to center our thoughts on Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice."

And that is a promise to hold onto.


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