If We Let Him


It's the first day of school.  And we had lots of smiles and some joyous "I'm so glad to see you!" exclamations as we were overwhelmed with hugs.  It's definitely my favorite part whether they find me, or whoever their person is in our building.

But we also had some newbies, including lots of kindergartners.  

One little girl came in with tears rolling down her face and stopped at the door refusing to go further.  I was summoned and walked over and gently leaned down.  

"I can see that this is hard for you.  Your eyes look worried."

She nodded her head and glanced up.

"What you didn't know is this school is full of people to help you stay safe the whole day.  Would you like me to walk with you to your class?"

"I don't know which way to go."

"I can help you with that, but you will need to let go of that door so we can walk there together. I will stay with you until you feel safe."

I could see her mentally weighing the options.  I simply stood next to her with my hand outstretched.  

"Mrs. Potter!"  Another student ran up and nearly knocked me over with a bear hug.  "Can you walk me to my room?"  

I looked back at my scared young friend.  "I will be right back."

I quickly walked my other friend to the end of the hall and pointing at his doorway asked, "Let's see if you can walk that far by yourself.  I will be here watching."

One more quick hug and he was off with a skip in his step. 

I returned to my tearful friend, who had been watching.  I stretched out my hand again and said, "I can help you, if you let me."

Slowly she let go of the door and took my hand.  I walked her down and around the corner and took her to her teacher.  Her teacher showed her the first four steps of the day on a visual chart.  I helped her with step one- finding her nametag.  We both helped her with step two- a greeting.  Her teacher helped her with step three- hanging up her backpack.  And she headed to her table to do step four independently.  With a wave and a brave smile through the now slowing tears she let me know she was good.  

She got where she needed to be because she was willing to take my hand.  She was willing to LET me help her. 

In the same way we can let the Atonement of Jesus Christ help us IF we let it.  

If we reach out to Him.

In the good times.  In the mundane times.  In the hard times.

Even in our most Job-like moments.  Loss of family.  Loss of possessions.  Loss of friends.  Loss of health.  

The atonement of Jesus Christ can forever change us, even then.  Especially then.  

Like Job we can say "I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end He will stand upon the earth." (Job  19:25).

And knowing that,  we can reach out and take His hand.  We can let go of our fears.  And we can take that next step knowing that no matter what, He is there. 


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