Psalm 119


For many years when our children were small, their favorite Family Home Evening lesson was "the flashlight one". 

Whoever was teaching the lesson would shut off all the lights in our basement and we would descend carefully into total darkness. 

The lesson-giver would ask what we could see and then turn on the flashlight to represent  the Holy Ghost guiding us through the dark. 

Sometimes we would talk about other aspects such as keeping our batteries charged and knowing where the light was, but mostly we stumbled through the dark laughing and then turned on the light to find our way. 

I don't even know if it had any lasting impact on our kids, but the pattern was there. 

Reading in Come Follow Me today, Psalm 119:105 reminded me of that lesson.

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."

We know that God the Father, and Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost work together for our good.  It would make sense then, that just as Jesus Christ can be a beacon, and the Holy Ghost can guide us, that God's word, or scripture, can truly light our way.

We know that there is much darkness in the world.  But God knows and sees everything.  

He knows where every pitfall and temptation and trap might be waiting for us.

He knows how much Satan wants our Godly relationships disrupted.  

And so He warns, teaches, leads, guides and blesses through the scriptures.  

But He won't force us to carry the light or walk in it.  

We have to pick up the scriptures and read them, study and ponder.  We have to put forth the effort. 

But we will find that He always leaves the light on.  No matter how many times we need the lesson again.  


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