Be The Good


I am inspired by others.

The way they work and love and serve and give makes me want to be more like them.

Just this week a friend started a diaper pantry for those struggling to buy necessities as prices go up. 

Another  bought something she knew a coworker liked and gave it to her just because.

A sweet first grader helped me carry my books since I was using crutches.

Another started a club  for "everyone who wanted to play no matter what". 

I saw people holding doors.

Or slowing down and waving another on at an intersection, and helping rock a baby.

I saw a retired couple complete trainings so they can better teach and help kids who have endured trauma.

I saw a coworker fighting back tears as another hugged her in comfort- no words- just a hug.

I had ice cream treats and dinner dropped off.  

I saw someone stop by the school to pay off lunch accounts for kids.  

I saw a gentleman play with the tired 2-year old of an obviously even more tired mama while they waited for their appointments.  

I saw so much good.  And seeing others' good make me want to be prepared to help others too. 

President N Eldon Tanner reminded, "Surely we must be prepared to be the good Samaritan and help wherever possible."

When we are prepared, we can be the good that so many are looking for.

And we can be the reason someone believes in good people.

And that changes everything. 


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