Jesus is Amazing


We approached the playground for recess, only to find one of the play sets completely covered on every surface in mulch. 

We suspected some of the neighborhood middle school students had found a fun prank, but until we could verify on the cameras we simply closed that area.  If it was one of our students, we were going to let them have the natural consequence of cleaning it all up.

As each grade came out and saw the cones and heard us say it was closed, they gathered in amazement at the extensive nature of the mulching project but also to help brainstorm potential culprits. 

One second grade boy came up and shook my arm.  "Who did this?!!!"  

"I don't know" I shrugged.

His little brown eyes got huge as he looked up at me and said, "Maybe it was Jesus! He does amazing things!"

I smiled at his pure excitement. And my coworker and I laughed that we hadn't even considered a miracle as the possible cause. 

Psalm 145:9 "The LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works."

I don't think Jesus is the one who mulched the playground equipment (although I certainly am not doubting he could!).  

I do think I need to be more aware of the things Jesus DOES do in my life.  Because my friend was right.  He does amazing things! 


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