Just Try


I was reading the words of a young missionary friend today and had one of her thoughts really stand out to me.

She said:

"Serve without wanting blessings, just serve others because you love them or because you're trying to love them."

Yes! Sometimes trying is all we can do.  But it is a really good place to start.

I know I'm not always loveable, sometimes I'm barely housetrained and should probably be kept away from people for not playing well with others. But do I expect others to be perfect? 

Seriously- that famous adage about never going to bed angry was not written by the companion of anyone like me.  Because my rationality scale sharply plummets with each passing hour of needed sleep skipped. 

And sometimes there are days I just plain feel cranky and moody and in an uncharitable fashion share it with others.  

None of that is to excuse my poor behavior, but to accept that humans have good and bad days and if two of us have bad days at the same time I might need to dig deep just for the hint of a desire to love them.  

Because it's way easier to keep the love flowing when it feels obvious you are all on Team Natalie. But that is not reality. 

President Joyce D Jones told about a time when she was struggling to truly serve and love someone that was difficult.  Many of us have had similar experiences.  

But Jesus didn't say OUR pure love would never fail, but His, which we call true charity.

She said, "Rather than building resentment, we can build, through service, a more perfect relationship with our Heavenly Father. Our love for and devotion to Him preempts the need for recognition or appreciation and allows His love to flow to and through us."

Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy" (Matthew 5:7).

I won't be perfect but I can try.  


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