The child in each of us


Yesterday I was talking with a new, younger friend and she shared something beautiful with me that I hope to remember.

She said to help change her negative thoughts about herself she had learned to take a picture of herself as a young child and tape it on her mirror.  

And to remember to talk to herself as if she was talking to that young child.  

I asked her if it helped and she flashed a brilliant smile and with a sparkle in her eyes, she nodded.  "So much." 

She said that now her husband was doing the same and it had changed how they are parenting their son, (who is an adorable and happily independent five-year old), improved  their marriage and helped her feel more centered and confident.  

I gave her a hug and thanked her.  

D&C 18:10 teaches, "Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God;"

President Joy D Jones echoed this in proclaiming, "Our children deserve to understand their divine identity."

That includes the child in each of us.  And starts with how we see and treat ourselves. 


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