All Things


The 2023 Youth theme was recently announced: I can do all things through Christ.

Found in Philippians 4:13, this is a popular verse, especially with Christian athletes.

And rightfully so.  We can do all things with the help of our Savior.  And athletes push their bodies to the limit, seeking increased strength.  

But as Brad Wilcox recently encouraged us to take that verse into context and not just read it in isolation, I spent some time

this week reading and pondering it. 

Paul is writing this letter to the Philippians and urging them to:

1.  Stand fast in the Lord

2. Help the women who had helped him in spreading the gospel

3. Rejoice in the Lord always (he repeats this own for good measure!)

4. Let people know why you are different.  

5. Know that God is aware.

6. Pray and be grateful about everything!

7. Seek pure, virtuous and lovely things.

8. Do the things they have learned and been commanded, and find Godly peace.

9. Learn to be content no matter what.

10. Be friends with one another, especially fellow Saints. 

11. Trust God to supply their needs according to the riches of the glory of Christ.

12. All glory should go to Him.

Many times when I've read this verse I have taken it to mean I can do hard things through Christ.  I can meet lofty goals through Christ.  Or I can win the race, get the job, etc.

This time when I read it and listed these things I had noticed, I read it differently.

"I can do all things through Christ  who strengthens me" could also mean that ALL parts of my life can and should reflect my discipleship. 

I can do my job through Christ by being honest, giving my full effort, and being a good example of a believer for my coworkers.

I can fulfill my family responsibilities through Christ by studying and following gospel principles building on faith, love, mutual respect and other principles outlined in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I can fulfill my callings through Christ by seeking the influence of the Holy Spirit and reflecting the love of Christ to those who may feel unable to recognize or accept it right now.

I can fulfill my civic duty through Christ by being lawful, serving others and sharing with the poor and helping to root out hateful prejudices and share love with our brothers and sisters. 

I can fulfill my personal life through Christ by seeking to learn of Jesus in the scriptures and trying to follow him better each day.  

I can choose my social circles and activities and media through Christ by seeking virtuous settings and friends.  I can be an example at ALL times and in ALL places and in ALL things.  

Basically, it comes down to there being no part of my life that shouldn't be impacted and uplifted by Jesus Christ, who will most certainly uplift us in each and every one of those ways if we turn to him. 


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