

The bluebird blue skies.

The cool snap in the air.  

Quieter evenings.  

Gardens done.  

Last runs through the fields.  

Yellows and orange and reds bursting forth in nature's own firework display.  

All of it speaks to my soul, reminding me to stop and soak up the beauty of a world carefully made just for us. 

As Alma Sonne eloquently testified, "I look around me, and I see the green fields, the flowers, the trees, and the shrubbery, and in the autumn I see the earth illuminated with red and gold before nature goes to rest. I witness God's handiwork. It bears the mark of a superior intelligence which is beyond my meager comprehension. I can conscientiously conclude that there is a divine plan which provides for man's future when and where mortality ends. I can join with the prophets and seers in the revelations from God and accept them as God's commandments. I am not a stranger, wandering aimlessly without purpose. I am a child of God, and I see evidences of his existence all around me. "

Thank you, God, for Octobers. 


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