

Years ago I was in a ward where the stake had set a goal to increase temple attendance so that the members could experience increased blessings of temple attendance.

As a part of that a simple box was put on the table in the foyer and we were asked to record the number of temple ordinances completed and slip it into the box to motivate us and track our progress.  

Unfortunately, after a few weeks, the Bishop got up and explained with disappointment that the box would no longer be used.  

Why?  As a group we had completely missed the goal.  The number being reported did not align with the number of actual ordinances completed by our ward at the temple.

Some of us were being dishonest in our reporting.  It didn't feel good. 

Most of us can cringe and recognize the error in this scenario.  Thank goodness for repentance.  Thank goodness for the blessings that still came to those actually attending and completing ordinances.

That was 23 years ago.  And honesty in our society has taken a steady plummet since then.

In a world where 95% of students admit to cheating in some form, where commitments to serve regularly end in no-shows, and where even social commitments may be cancelled last minute if something "better" comes up- how do we teach our children to make and KEEP covenants? 

President Joy D Jones instructed, "Teaching children to keep simple promises when they are young will empower them to keep holy covenants later in life."

Do we teach them to keep promises?  Or make excuses and "save" them from the consequences of their failure to keep their word?

It also means keeping our own word and in the instances where that can't happen, telling them complete truth and not bailing and making up false stories or excuses.

It means keeping our own covenants to the very best of our ability, and not rationalizing.  

In Lamentations 3:40-41 we read, "Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the Lord.  Let us lift up our heart with our hands unto God in the heavens."

Search our ways- where are we slipping in our covenants?

Turn again to the Lord- he is waiting and ready with open arms.

Lift up our hearts.

Or as it says in D&C 25:13 "Wherefore, ​​​lift up​ thy heart and ​​​rejoice​, and cleave unto the covenants which thou hast made."

Rejoice!  There is joy to be found in embracing holy covenants.  

There is peace to be found in keeping our word.  


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