Cracked Hearts


Some days it's easy to pick out the good things, the blessings and sunshine.

Other days I kind of feel like most of the world's aim is to annoy me to no end.

I had had several short nights of sleep which narrowed my window of tolerance incrementally each day.  Like to the point I was fairly certain that even  the clouds were purposely blocking the sun just from me.

I knew I was snapping at people and my normal go-to coping mechanisms weren't working - because the whole world was aligning against me.  

I even knew my thoughts aren't particularly rational, but I was too tired to fight them and was checking my watch every three minutes to see if the day was over yet.

Nope.  It was only 7:45.  I had only been there 15 minutes.

We all have those kinds of days at times and sometimes those kinds of weeks, months or years.

But as I opened and sort of slammed my desk drawer.  Yeah I'm a slammer when I get frustrated- I'm working on it, a packet full of letters and cards came into view.  I keep it in my desk for the days in which I need a reminder of why I do what I do.  

It includes cards and letters from former students and friends.  And on this particular day as I sifted through them, I felt my heart rate slow and the tightness in my chest relax.  I smiled as I looked back at the little faces and a folded letter slipped out.

I didn't recognize it but opened a letter from a young woman sent 7 years ago thanking for my influence.  I reflected on how often we underestimate the power of a thank you.  I also knew it wasn't a coincidence that I found it on this day.

And then a second note fell  out.

One in which I had asked a four year old some questions and recorded his answers.  

"Tell me about a time when you were happy."

"I wasn't happy.  I was sad because I was home, but then I came to school and it was like you taped my cracked heart back together."  

And that was all it took to tape my own cracked heart back together.

Because we all get our hearts cracked sometimes.  Sometimes through intentional or accidental actions or through neglect as was the case with my little friend.  

But we all get our hearts cracked.  And we could all use a bit more compassion and love.

1 Peter 3:8 teaches us, "Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren...."

Regardless of what this world may teach there may be no more important work than that of those taping cracked hearts back together through genuine caring and love shared with each other. 


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