

I'm not sure who besides me needs to hear this today but you were made for great things. 

But you were also made for ordinary things, and there will be a whole lot more of those along the way.

You were also made for hard things and you've definitely had your share.

And yet here you are - surviving, handling it, learning and progressing.

Yes, you've stumbled.  And slipped, belly-flopped and sometimes stopped to rest.  

But here you are.  

And look at all the lives you've touched.

That inborn power to make life better for others?  To get back up and keep going even after you've quit?  That spark somewhere inside of you that notices all your own failures and yet still sees the beauty in the sunset?  

That is divinity.  

That is your sacred inheritance.  

That is the divine touch from Heavenly Parents saying simply, "You are doing better than you think.  And you are doing it with grace.  Don't give up." 


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