He Knows

 He knows.

Those were the words that finally came to my mind this week.

I've been reading, teaching and rereading Jonah Chapter 2 over and over again.

So much imagery.  

"I cried by reason of my affliction and he heard me".

He heard and yet still Jonah had to finish his stay in the whale's belly.  He wasn't done learning but God heard and He knew.  When we cry out and plead because of our afflictions he hears.  It doesn't say he cried out but then realized Job or Moses had bigger challenges.  He cried out because of HIS afflictions.  And was heard.

"out of the belly of hell cried I, and thou heardest my voice."  

From the deepest darkest place, even after Jonah had tried to run from God.  Even after he had tried to flee and hide, when he hit bottom and called out, God heard and answered.  He knew. 

"and the floods compassed me about: all thy billows and thy waves passed over me."

It was hard.  Terribly hard.  And Jonah felt like he was drowning.  

He knows.  He knows when we feel overwhelmed and anxious.  He knows when it feels like the foundation is crumbling.

"Then I said, I am cast out of thy sight; yet I will look again toward thy holy temple."

Jonah knew he was off track and that he could look back toward the temple.  Back toward his covenants.  It doesn't say he got there in one step and we know he didn't.  But he turned.  And God knew. 

"The waters compassed me about, even to the soul: the depth closed me round about, the weeds were wrapped about my head."

He knows.  He knows if we are caught in the weeds of addiction.  He knows if the darkness and doubts reach into our souls.  He knows when things feel so hard the next breath feels like it will take all we have left.  He knows if we've been hurt and confused and the memories keep swirling threatening to suck us back in.  He knows if we feel inept in our roles in our families, callings and workplace.  He knows that we have felt betrayed and lonely and scared and unsure.  He knows.

"the earth with her bars was about me for ever: yet hast thou brought up my life from corruption, O Lord my God."

Even when life itself feels like a prison, whether because of human struggling we don't understand, difficulty understanding our mission and purpose or the pain and anguish of physical and mental health challenges.  Even then.  He knows and He not only can, but he will bring our life up out of the mess it can be in this mortal world.  

"When my soul fainted within me I remembered the Lord: and my prayer came in unto thee, into thine holy temple."

Jonah had given up on himself in the face of the impossible.  And his prayer was heard when he reached out again.  From that place of desperation.  From the belly of a fish.  And God did the impossible.  The fish vomited him onto land.  After the three days.  

And Jonah renewed his covenants. 

"But I will sacrifice unto thee with the voice of thanksgiving; I will pay that that I have vowed. Salvation is of the Lord."

And then Jonah knew.  

Not everything.  And he's not going to get it perfect yet.  He will still struggle with giving mercy, with forgiving, with his own journey.

But Jesus Christ was well aware of that when he was saved.  

He knew.  

And He knows us.  Perfectly.  And still reaches out his hand to us where we are.

Whether we are crying out.  Whether we are turning.  Whether we are tired.  Whether we are waiting.  Whether we are covenanting again.  

He knows.


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