

A group of teenage boys was gathered together at one of their houses and laughing together headed off into the woods at the rear of the property.

As they stepped into the woods, one of the boys reminded them that hunting season had just opened and it wasn't wise to head into the woods.

The other boys shrugged off his warning and continued on their way.

A short distance later, a hunter came running up to them and with anger in his voice exclaimed, "What were you thinking crashing through the brush like this?!!! I thought you were a deer and could have shot you."

The boys had been warned by a wise friend and had carelessly shrugged off the alarm, drawn by the allure of the forest.  They had heedlessly walked into danger and were lucky to have escaped unharmed. 

Amos 3:7 reminds, "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he reveals his secrets to his servants the prophets."

The prophets see things we don't.  They are the wise friend, offering counsel that will save us from harm.  

If we choose to listen.  If we seek confirmation.  If we heed their words.


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